Erin Breen, KC
T: 709.739.4141
F: 709.739.4145
Erin K. Breen was born and raised in St. John’s and is a Gonzaga High School graduate of the Class of 1992. She completed her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in 1997 and earned her Master of Arts (History) in 1998 at Memorial University of Newfoundland & Labrador. In 2002 she graduated from the University of New Brunswick Law School with a Bachelor of Law degree and was the recipient of the Canadian Counsel of Criminal Defence Lawyers prize and the Blake Lynch prize in criminal law & evidence. She was called to the Newfoundland and Labrador bar in 2003. She has volunteered with the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted in Toronto, Ontario as a case review lawyer. Since 1998 she volunteered at MacMorran Community Centre and served as a Board member. From 2010-2016 she was the Canadian Bar Association representative on the Judicial Advisory Committee for Newfoundland and Labrador. In 2013 she was named the recipient of the Michael F. Galway Gonzaga High School Alumnus of the year award. In 2017, Erin represented the family of Donald Dunphy at the Dunphy Inquiry. Since 2017, she has been recognized and included in the Best Lawyers in Canada and was named Lawyer of the Year in the practice area of criminal defence for 2020. In 2019 she was named a fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. Erin practices in all aspects of criminal defence with a special focus in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Rosellen Sullivan, KC
T: 709.739.4141
F: 709.739.4145
was born in St. John’s. She graduated from University of Ottawa in 1995 with a Master’s of Criminology and from Dalhousie Law School in 1998. Rosellen worked with the Department of Justice until 2006. She was Junior Inquiry Counsel to Commissioner Antonio Lamer at the Lamer Inquiry which examined three wrongful convictions in Newfoundland and Labrador. Her work on the Inquiry led to a keen interest criminal defence law, which she pursued in 2006 when she joined Robert Simmonds, KC. She is also a former member of the Board of Regents at Memorial University.
Rosellen appears in all levels of court including the Supreme Court of Canada. Rosellen has been a director of the Canadian Council of Criminal Defence Lawyers (CCCDL) since 2015. The CCCDL is a national body that represents defence counsel and provides a national perspective on Criminal Justice issues. The CCCDL has been granted intervenor status at the Supreme Court of Canada, and routinely appears before the House and Senate Committees on legal and Constitutional issues. The CCCDL is often consulted on matters of national importance.
On behalf of the CCCDL, Rosellen appeared before the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights along with other members in relation to Bill c.75 and changes to the Criminal Code.
Rosellen was named Best Lawyer by her peers in 2020 and has become a senior observing member of The Criminal Lawyers Association.
Nancy Gulliver
T: 709.739.4141
F: 709.739.4145
Nancy Gulliver was born and raised in St. John’s. Nancy graduated from Prince of Wales Collegiate and College of the North Atlantic with a diploma in Legal Office Administration. Nancy has been an active team member with Sullivan Breen Defence in the role of Legal Assistant/Receptionist and Commissioner of Oaths, since 2008. Nancy is the smiling face greeting you when you visit our office and welcoming voice when you call. She provides administrative assistance and support to our team and clients.